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Teen HERO Training Bundle Media Kit (Presentation).png

Free for 3 in 30 Listeners!
($60 value)

Lessons to Help Your Teen Thrive

In classic literary tales, the hero was the only character in the adventure who rose up and took action to change the ending of the story.


Your teen was born to be the hero of their story!


But, they don't always feel like it.


Sometimes they feel like the sidekick, a character in the story that is powerless to make any meaningful change.


I help teens go from sidekick to hero in four HERO arenas:

  • Headspace - how they think

  • Emotions - how they feel

  • Relationships - how they interact with others

  • Objectives - how they interact with their goals


My Teen HERO Training Bundle has a short, high-energy lesson for each HERO arena.


Included in the Bundle

Confidence Crash Course for teens.png
Axing anxiety starter pack for teens.png

The lessons include:


  • Confidence Crash Course

  • Axing Anxiety

  • Small Talk 101

  • Live Your Own Life Challenge


The Teen HERO Bundle includes four 10 minute high-energy videos, a downloadable PDF, and a super-secret podcast channel to listen to the audio in the car. You know, while your teen is trapped with you.


This is a $60 bundle but I'm giving it to 3 in 30 podcast listeners for free. Sign up below.

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Copyright © 2023 Sidekick to Hero

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